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  • Alliance Bible College and Seminary
    2639 Lamar Avenue
    Memphis, TN Zip 38114


  • A Payment of $50 is required with submission.

    Admissions Office
    2639 Lamar Avenue
    Memphis, TN Zip 38114

  • IMPORTANT: Applications will not be processed nor academic standing be assessed unless all questions are answered and theapplication signed and dated by applicant. Do not leave any question blank. Put .N/A. if an item, such as a FAX number or email address, does not apply.

  • Personal Information



  • Non-Discrimination Policy:
    ABCS does not discriminate on the basis of nationality, ethnic origin, age, or gender. We guarantee the rights and privileges, and the availability of programs and activities to all students of the College.

  • Privacy Rights of Students:
    STATUTE 20, UNITED STATES CODE, 1232g and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The code provides for an institution to establish a category of student information termed .directory information. All information, such as health and medical records, disciplinary records, records of personalcounseling, required student and family financial income information records, transcripts or student permanent academic records, student placement records and other personally identifiable information shall be open for inspection only to the student and such members of the professional staff of the college as have responsibility for working with the student. Such information will not be released to second parties without consent of the student. Except as required for use by the president in the discharge of his official responsibilities as prescribed by laws, regulations of the state board, and board policies, the designatedcustodian of such records may release information from these records to others only upon authorization in writing from the student or upon a subpoena by a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • $0.00
    To be paid via PayPal in the next screen to submit the application.